Wednesday, June 13, 2012

essentials for a sick baby

Thank goodness Kenley has been a very healthy baby. I cant count the times on one hand that she has been truly sick. This is probably because she is at home with me most of the time (so thankful for that), has a balanced diet, and is on a good schedule.
The worst was her scare with Roseola when she was 6 months... which there is no cure/medication for and then our lovely bout with the stomach flu last summer which the following wouldnt apply to either. But unfortunately the occasional cold is inevitable and right now Kenley has a pretty good one.
We had a ROUGH night sleep Monday night and by the time I got home from work on Tuesday she was a mess... but! luckily I can come home with a couple quick fixes.
I would highly highly reccomend three products (all totally natural solutions) to help with the common baby cold.

The first is the Nose Frida. This thing is AMAZING. Its been my favorite new baby gift to give ever since I was introduced to it at Kissui. It sounds totally disgusting but let me explain. Yes, the suction from mom or dad's mouth IS what gets the snot out... but the snot goes nowhere NEAR your mouth. Even with Kenley's worst cold it has never even gone half way up the little blue tube that stores it. Even if it were to go all the way up there is a little sponge filter to catch anything that should come up. Ever tried a bulb aspirator?? ... they suck. And by that I mean they DONT suck! haha (k, you know thats funny.) But really guys, this thing WORKS! It gets all of the gross stuff out that keeps baby from breathing well and getting a good nights sleep. Now of course it's not Kenleys favorite when I whip out the Nose Frida and she sees it coming. She knows full well  what it is, but its quick and all over with within 30 seconds. During cold season we have customers RUNNING in for this thing... and usually its the parents who initially saw it in the store and commented on how gross it sounds... desperate times call for desperate measures people!

The second neat little Kissui gadget that I would reccomend for a sick babe is the Raz Baby Vapor Clip. This thing is awesome.

The little bear on the left in the above picture has a little slot (that locks and closes so that baby cant open it) that a fingernail sized pad, that is eucalyptus/menthol scented, is inserted into. The same little bear on the left clips onto baby's shirt and the other end is a pacifier clip. (It doesnt come with the little bear on the right, just the clip around it) So even if your baby doesnt take a pacifier you can take the paci-leash off and just leave the scented clip on their shirt. I swear Kenley breathes better with  it on... I wouldnt mind using one myself next time I have a cold.

Lastly, every parent needs a humidifer... especially if you live in the Inland Empire. Even if Kenley isnt sick and the air just seems grosser than usual, I will turn this thing on.

Im sure there are lots of good brands but this is the one we have and I love it. Its called the Crane-USA cold air humidifier.

Hope that helps any of my new mama friends :)

Feel better Kenley!

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