Wednesday, August 24, 2011

one year stats

A week ago yesterday (last Tuesday) Kenley had her one year appointment... finally!

After being post-poned for two months after our lovely stomach flu epidemic, we were anxious to get her stats

We love her pediatrician... thank you Dr. Sharpe for your care!

At 14 months Kenley weighed 23 lbs and 5 oz... She is exactly 30 inches long putting her in the 71st percentile for weight and the 58th percentile for height.

I asked my mom to send me my stats so we could compare :) ... I was 22 lbs 11 oz and 30 inches long.

I had eight teeth and so DID Kenley at 12 months. She has popped all 4 molars in the last two weeks :)


I would be pretty surprised if she ends up as short as I did seeing how she takes after Gavin in every possible way... so between the two combined we figure she will be a really nice height... lucky gal!

The day of her appointment Kenley also got a couple vaccinations along with a CBC to test for anemia... and the little lady does in fact have some mild anemia, supposedly very common for babies her age (which is why they do the test).

Dr. Sharpe initally asked me to give her a Fer-a-Sol iron supplement (dropper form) giving her an extra 30 mg of iron per day... but she hated it, I thought it was kind of unnatural and did a little research of my own, AND basically it smelled and looked disgusting. I couldnt justify giving this to her especailly when I found out that there were easier, more natural ways of doing business!

Enter "Jack".... our new juicer!

Did you know that beets, broccoli, cherries, kale and chard are all FULL of iron?? Enough so that  giving 5 mL twice a day of any of these juiced is equivilant to the extra iron that Kenley needs...

I proposed my idea to Dr. Sharpe and he approved! Tonight was the first time I combined chard and grapefruit for Kenley and she was DIGGIN it...

tomorrow is Thursday and you know what THAT means! MARKET NIGHT!!! I-am-stocking-up!!!!
Off to go juice something for myself!!

Goodnight, Jess

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