Thursday, June 9, 2011

Letter # 2 "The Biggest Fan"

OK, so I didnt keep up with the letters to Kenley while my computer was gone like I said I was going to but look at me!!... blogging first thing in the morning on the first day I have had my computer up and running (I am warming up my fingers for a long day of transcription).
 We have had a crazy couple of weeks... with baseball season over I thought things would slow down but wow was I wrong. Work has picked up for me, Gavin just finished finals yesterday, trying to get things together for summer school and his summer team and yesterday was my birthday!!
 Let me just say that I have decided that I have the best friends in the world. I woke up kind of bummed out that I wouldnt be spending the day with my friends and fam from home. I was SO cheered up when I went to the mailbox to find letters, cards, treats, flowers from my FANTASTIC friends and family who had made sure that they knew they were thinking of me... even from 500 miles away. My favorite part of the day was having flowers dropped off at the door that my friend Danielle had sent to me... that was a FIRST, I have never had flowers directly sent to me! They were arranged to look like a little martini glass too haha! and THEN!!.... my mom called me and had me go on a hunt around the house to find little gifts that she had hid for me while she was here. I thought that was so cute :)
The second highlight of the day was Kenley crawling into her rooming shutting the door behind her. Gavin and I had a good laugh.
Along with a couple other little gifts, Gavin bought me two "dwarf" lemon trees!! I was SOOO excited!! so, how much of a mom am I?!? Dwarf meaning that they can stay potted! so, why TWO lemon trees you may ask?? "When you have two, they can cross pollenate and help each other produce more fruit." hahaha wow, I love him.
After going for a run and having my cup of coffee, I had a relaxing morning playing with Kenley and finishing some laundry before everyone came over for lunch. I got taken to my favorite mexican place that is part of the Mission Inn, had some margaritas and then went to play golf. AND! tomorrow by the time I get off work, my very best friend Lauren will be in town with her boyfriend that Im dying to meet :)
It was such a perfect birthday. Thanks everyone!

Onto Letter # 2 "The Biggest Fan."

Baby Girl,
You may be little, but you are the BIGGEST baseball fan I know. Your daddy and I joke that you are either going to hate the game of baseball, or you are going to love it... one or the other and nothing in between. So this is where I tell you how many games you have been to in your first year of life (yes, I have kept perfect track) So, including two Giants games, your Uncle Michael's games, friends games, and MOSTLY your daddy's games (not including games I was pregnant with you)... you have been to 36 baseball games. THIRTY-SIX GAMES!!!! for most of those games you have stayed the whole nine innings too. Thats 324 innings of baseball before you turned one, I dont think most babies can say that.
By the end of the season, I swear you were intently watching the game, clapping when everyone else was (even if you were cheering for the wrong team) and dancing to the music between innings. Everyone at the UCR games called you the mascot, and that you were. So I guess this is where I say "thank you.".... thank you little one, for being such a trooper at all those games. Thank you for letting other people hold you and for letting them pass you around while I got to watch daddy play. Thank you for letting me bundle you up in silly outfits. Thank you for sticking it out in unfavorable weather conditions. and THANK YOU... for never letting me show up at a game by myself :)
By next season you will be running all over the place and the UCR fans and I joked that we will be watching you in shifts while we chase you around. But I wont mind, cause it wont be a game without the mascot.
20 days until you are 1.
Love you, Mama

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