Its been a busy/productive Friday morning. Ive had too much coffee already so lets see how well I can type.
Gavin is in Santa Barbara this weekend for baseball (imagine that, another weekend on the road)... BUT! he has home games the entire months of April! I cant even tell you how much I am looking forward to that. He has been gone SO much and I really feel like I have barely seen any games this season. His parents are going to be here for 10 days (April 10-22) and are going to catch a bunch of games too. I am excited for them to be here. I will have almost two weeks that I wont have to bring Kenley to work! Dont get me wrong, I love being able to have her with me, but you better believe that I get a lot more done when she isnt there. She has been so so so good while we have been there but I know there are other things she would much rather be doing (such as running around and tearing into things.) But she has been so good about hanging out attached to my back and keeping busy with books, my ipod, coloring, snacks in her pack n play. I know Ive said this before but Im fairly certain 80% of the customers comment on how well she just sits there are lets me work... "you are so lucky you get to bring her to work with you!"... I truly am. Which is part of why I will miss Kissui SOOO much!
In case you havent heard... WE ARE MOVING HOME!!!!!!!!
Last weekend I got my acceptance letter to Sonoma State. Lauren had just gotten here and we were on our way to the store and I decided to stop by the mailbox. I hopped out of the car and she and Kenley stayed in the car. I didnt think I would hear back so soon after submitting my essay and application for the Kinesiology department. I heard back about a month ago that I had been accepted to the school but had to do some supplemental work to apply to the KIN department because its so impacted. It requried a short essay, a list of my grades, outside experience and volunteer work. I was geniunely worried I wouldnt get in, which is why I decided not to tell many people that I applied.
I opened the mailbox to see a letter from Sonoma State. I held it up and showed Lauren who could see the worried look on my face from the car. She signaled me to come open it with her in the car. I tore into the letter and the only words I saw were "ACCEPTED"...."CONGRATULATIONS"... "KINESIOLOGY" and "FALL '12".
I threw the letter in the air jumping up and down, fighting back tears of joy.
I cant even explain my excitement about finishing school and moving home. We most likely would be moving up either way but to know that in just one short year (two semesters) I will be a college graduate is almost more than I can handle. I know it is going to be another period of craziness for our little family, but we will have so much more HELP this time around. The fact that we will be by friends and family again almost feels too good to be true. Gavin has promised me during our entire time in Riverside that he was going to do the same for me so that I could finish school and I know he will give me just as much support as I have given him and probably more.
There are lots of unknowns right now such as: where we are living, when we will move, what Gavin will be doing after graduation in August and where Kenley will be while I am in school and Gavin is working. We have a general answer to each of these questions but the impatient part of me wants it all figured out PRONTO!
So speaking of my amazingly supportive husband... I need to take a quick second to brag on my Gavin. As I know I mentioned... Gavin has spent this past quarter taking TWENTY units, during the peak of baseball season while working at the Redlands country club on the weekends before and after his games.... not to mention being a dad. No one TRULY understands what it is like to be a student athlete unless you, yourself have done it. And since I have, I can say that it is practically insanity. I dont know if I have ever even heard of someone parenting and working on top of being a Division 1 student athlete.
A typical week for Gavin looks like this: leave the house at 7am for weights (he has weights Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings) go straight to class until practice at 2 which usually lasts until 6 or so. He then comes home (unless its Tuesday, when he usually has a night game which this week was in San Diego) and has dinner with us and then is off to study, usually at the library or a teammates house. The weeks before and during finals he was getting home around midnight.
As far as the weekends go, the past two months he has been on the road almost every weekend for baseball... Texas, Arizona, Fresno, Santa Barbara you name it. The weekends he has had a home series, he drives out to Redlands to work at the golf course... and to get enough hours in before his game he usually leaves the house around 5 am on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
SOO... with all of this going on... Gavin Mills just managed to pull a 3.1 GPA this quarter. (thats one A and 4 Bs).... AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im in shock. He literally does it all, and with barely any complaining. I know he is tired almost 100% of the day but you would barely know it. I would be lying if I said that it didnt take its toll on our relationship at times the past couple of months... we have definitely had our ups and downs, but I dont know how we couldnt expect everything to go off without a glitch with that kind of lifestyle and schedule. Im so proud of Gavin and cant thank him enough for working so hard for his girls. Gavin, you are literally my hero. I cant WAIT for this weekend to be over and for him to be HOME <3
Kenley and I have a pretty busy weekend planned for ourselves to make the time pass a little quicker. Yesterday we got back from Palm Springs where we stayed in literally the most beautiful home I have ever seen or stepped foot in. My friend Kelly took us to stay at her Grandparents for the night. We swam, tanned, ate and watched Kenley play with their adorable puppies. (I actually met Kelly through Torrey in kind of a small world scenario. Torreys sorority sister at ASU Kristine, who I had met a couple of times before moving to Riverside, is Kellys sister.) I have loved getting to know Kelly... she is always SO sweet with Kenley and the two of them together are hilarious. So, if you have been keeping track, my three closest friends in Riverside are Kaley, Kayla and Kelly... and to confuse you even more... I got Kelly and Kayla both jobs at Kith (Kissui's new store). Good luck keep them all straight. All I know is that I am going to miss all of them like crazy!
Well today Kenley and I are going to watch my brothers game in Pomona. I havent watched Mike play in a couple weeks and I know he loves having his little/biggest fan at his games since my parents obviously rarely get to go. GO BRONCOS!
After we get back I have some crafting to finsh up! I worked furiously last night on my "cake buntings" that I will be selling at the Kissui craft fair tomorrow! I usually have to work at the actual store during our craft fairs but this time I decided to participate... and I am SOO excited to see how it goes. Gavins mom sent down some ADORABLE little t-shirts and onesies that I will also be selling and Im sharing a booth with my very sweet friend Kayte (ahh!! thats ANOTHER "K" name!) that I work with. Kayte just found out that she is pregnant with her second baby! so happy for her :) Her little boy Teegan is just a couple months younger than Kenley and they are buddies. Kayte will be selling her cute little beenies that she makes. I hope it goes well!!!
The craft fair is held in the little hallway behind Kissui and there wil be about 10 vendors there. There is always a great turnout so Im hoping to make a little extra money with these! (and if not then I am stuck with 20 cake buntings!)
Things Im looking foward to: (I feel like this is fun to do at the end of my posts recently)
My Mom, Dad and Stephen are getting here late Thursday and here for Easter weekend! We are celebrating Easter at Michaels house with his teammates that he lives with. Its a total "guy baseball house" but they have been so excited about cleaning it all up for an Easter brunch and egg hunt for Kenley.
Two days after they leave Gavins parents are here for 10 days and then I am hitching a ride back with them to go home for TWO WEEKS!
I am so sad to be missing my dear friend Makayla's baby shower this coming weekend but will be getting home 3 days before her due date so I am hoping to meet little Lou ASAP!!!
WHEW! That was quite the update. Everyone has been so supportive with my choice to finish up school and has made me feel so LOVED with their excitement of us moving back up north. Since the day we moved down here I have dreamt of the moment that we found out we were moving back.... and now I cant believe how many truly WONDERFUL people we have met down here and all the awesome places we have been and things we have done!... and Im so glad that I have kept track of most of it on this blog.... So thank you for reading. God is so so good.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
the essay that got me in...
Unlike most transfer applicants to the Sonoma State Kinesiology department, I can speak from experience and say what a distinguished program it truly is. I can say this because I was a Kinesiology major at Sonoma State for almost two years. The first semester into my fourth year at Sonoma State I was forced to make the hardest decision of my college career. I was only two semesters from graduating when some family and personal issues arose causing me to make the difficult decision to take a break from school, knowing full well that I would most likely have to start the application process all over. I am happy to say that I am now in a better place than ever to get my degree in Kinesiology to pursue my career in Cardiac Rehabilitation.
Only a semester into the Kinesiology department at Sonoma State I knew I had chosen the right major. After receiving a 96% in Anatomy 101 with Dr. Nosce and being asked to help teach her lab the following semester I felt as though I had found my calling. This course in particular is what sparked my interest in Cardiac Rehabilitation, making “lifetime physical activity” the perfect concentration for me. Along with anatomy, I continued to excel in all of the classes within the major. I especially enjoyed the outside opportunities that being in the major presented. Being part of “Saturday Sidekicks” is still one of my best memories at SSU.
I feel as though I contributed well to the major while I was there and would continue to do so, should I be accepted to the program again. I genuinely enjoyed being part of class discussions, projects and extracurricular activities such as the KIN club and Saturday Sidekicks. I am greatly looking forward to being part of the Sonoma State Kinesiology department again to accomplish my academic goal.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
baby talk.
Funny things Kenley is doing:
1. Calling me "Jess."
2. We have to wait for the garbage man every Tuesday morning to wave hello from the kitchen window... not that she knows that its Tuesday but she ALWAYS hears him coming.... I think it makes his morning too. She calls him the "GAH-GUY"
3. She is obsessed with the Minnie Mouse doll that Torrey got her at Disneyland. She has to come EVERYWHERE with her.
4. Her new favorite signs are "dirty" and "clean"... she says them both really well too. I would HIGHLY suggest the "Signing Time" dvds to new moms... I loved learning ASL (American Sign Language) with Kenley and I'm convinced its why she speaks so well. Learn more HERE. I have the first three dvds and have borrowed the rest if anyone would like to borrow mine!
5. Her hair is kind of a mess right now but Im doing my best to keep it out of her face and just let it grow out of this awkward stage. Im on a mission to keep her from having bangs!
This weekend my two best friends from college, Danielle and Lauren are coming to visit. Gavin will be in beautiful Fresno of all places for baseball, so they are coming to keep Kenley and I company. This has been Gavins finals week and he has been even more busy than usual if thats possible. He is studying like CRAZY when he's not at practice or work.
Kenley and I are off to walk/hike Mt Rubidoux (our favorite place we havent been in a while)
1. Calling me "Jess."
2. We have to wait for the garbage man every Tuesday morning to wave hello from the kitchen window... not that she knows that its Tuesday but she ALWAYS hears him coming.... I think it makes his morning too. She calls him the "GAH-GUY"
3. She is obsessed with the Minnie Mouse doll that Torrey got her at Disneyland. She has to come EVERYWHERE with her.
4. Her new favorite signs are "dirty" and "clean"... she says them both really well too. I would HIGHLY suggest the "Signing Time" dvds to new moms... I loved learning ASL (American Sign Language) with Kenley and I'm convinced its why she speaks so well. Learn more HERE. I have the first three dvds and have borrowed the rest if anyone would like to borrow mine!
5. Her hair is kind of a mess right now but Im doing my best to keep it out of her face and just let it grow out of this awkward stage. Im on a mission to keep her from having bangs!
This weekend my two best friends from college, Danielle and Lauren are coming to visit. Gavin will be in beautiful Fresno of all places for baseball, so they are coming to keep Kenley and I company. This has been Gavins finals week and he has been even more busy than usual if thats possible. He is studying like CRAZY when he's not at practice or work.
Kenley and I are off to walk/hike Mt Rubidoux (our favorite place we havent been in a while)
![]() |
can you two please hurry up and get here already?!? |
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
ode to the flat chested female.
When I stumbled upon this article today, it took me back to a less than thrilling moment a couple weeks ago when I went to get measured for a new bra at Victoria Secret. I measured at 32 AA (double A being even smaller than an A cup).... I had to let that one sink in for a moment. I was at the store in the first place because I needed a new bra and wasnt quite "filling out" the ones I have. I figured it was because they were getting worn out??... While I have never had a "big" chest, I dont think Ive ever measured at an A cup. I know full well that if I were to put some weight back on I would have a little more to work with... but if working out 5 times a week, eating "clean" and nursing a baby for 10 months is going to put me at a double A, then double A it is!
I think there is something very naturally beautiful about a woman with a flat chest (and no, I dont mean the stick thin models whose sternums you can see). I just think that a flat chest can be dressed up, or dressed down without being tacky. And I feel like a lot of clothes these days are made for woman with less cleavage. Now, dont get me wrong.... big boobs definitely have their "perks" quite literally. But why not imbrace what Im working with?!? I dont dig the big implants look, definitley not for me so I know I will never get them. Plus I know my man loves the way I look and thats really all that matters right?? (besides how I feel of course)
Thanks for listening to my ramble... and as I always assume, I have a female audience until notified otherwise!
I think there is something very naturally beautiful about a woman with a flat chest (and no, I dont mean the stick thin models whose sternums you can see). I just think that a flat chest can be dressed up, or dressed down without being tacky. And I feel like a lot of clothes these days are made for woman with less cleavage. Now, dont get me wrong.... big boobs definitely have their "perks" quite literally. But why not imbrace what Im working with?!? I dont dig the big implants look, definitley not for me so I know I will never get them. Plus I know my man loves the way I look and thats really all that matters right?? (besides how I feel of course)
Thanks for listening to my ramble... and as I always assume, I have a female audience until notified otherwise!
Friday, March 9, 2012
disney bound.
It is so beautiful outside so I just had to take my laptop outside and sit under a tree to do a quick post. Kenley fell asleep on the way home from the store and magically stayed alseep (which she rarelt does) for a nap. She had a quick nap this morning but she was up at 6:30 so I think it was more of a continuation from last night.
We will be missing most of Gavins game tonight (home game vs Sac State) since Kenley and I will be drving out to LA to pick up Torrey and her boyfriend Trey from the airport. I havent seen Tor since Christmas and I cant wait. We have such an event filled weekend packed. Tomorrow morning we are heading to Disneyland! (yes, very brave of us since it is supposed to be 80 degrees and its a Saturday).
Our friend Wes was nice enough to get us FREE tickets through a family connection, so nice right?
Kenley hasnt been to Disneyland since we first moved down here and she was five months old. She obviously didnt have the slightest clue what was going on so I am SO excited to see how she is this trip. She is in love with Mickey Mouse right now and I even got Torrey, Kenley and I Minnie Mouse ears from Kissui.
Im predicting being done at the park around 5 ish (Kenley wont last much longer than that) and making it back in time for Gavins game at 6... where Michael will most likely meet us. I havent seen my UCR baseball family in a couple weeks and cant wait to introduce Torrey to the chaos known as "the sharing of Kenley." haha :)
Sunday I am taking Torrey and Trey to downtown Redlands so they can see why I love it so much. They will get to see my beloved Kissui and eat at the famous "Martha Greens Eating Room"...
(There is also a new ice cream place down there that I tried last night after work and OOOMMMGGG.... IT WAS AMAZING!)
Speaking of work yesterday... holy moses were we busy. Of course I had Kenley with me and it was busy from the second I walked in the door. Thursday afternoons/evenings are usually always busy because its Market Night, but I have never seen it like this. I wore her on my back most of the time but we were both getting tired and hot so she was SUCH a good girl and played with her play-dough in her pack-n-play behind the counter. I love how understanding our customers are too. I had people playing peek-a-boo with her while waiting in line and she was "talking" their ear off about one thing or another :)
Well its nearly 3pm and I havent quite made it to the shower today... even after a morning workout... ewww gross!!
Pictures to come from this weekend... HAPPY FRIDAY!
We will be missing most of Gavins game tonight (home game vs Sac State) since Kenley and I will be drving out to LA to pick up Torrey and her boyfriend Trey from the airport. I havent seen Tor since Christmas and I cant wait. We have such an event filled weekend packed. Tomorrow morning we are heading to Disneyland! (yes, very brave of us since it is supposed to be 80 degrees and its a Saturday).
Our friend Wes was nice enough to get us FREE tickets through a family connection, so nice right?
Kenley hasnt been to Disneyland since we first moved down here and she was five months old. She obviously didnt have the slightest clue what was going on so I am SO excited to see how she is this trip. She is in love with Mickey Mouse right now and I even got Torrey, Kenley and I Minnie Mouse ears from Kissui.
Im predicting being done at the park around 5 ish (Kenley wont last much longer than that) and making it back in time for Gavins game at 6... where Michael will most likely meet us. I havent seen my UCR baseball family in a couple weeks and cant wait to introduce Torrey to the chaos known as "the sharing of Kenley." haha :)
Sunday I am taking Torrey and Trey to downtown Redlands so they can see why I love it so much. They will get to see my beloved Kissui and eat at the famous "Martha Greens Eating Room"...
(There is also a new ice cream place down there that I tried last night after work and OOOMMMGGG.... IT WAS AMAZING!)
Speaking of work yesterday... holy moses were we busy. Of course I had Kenley with me and it was busy from the second I walked in the door. Thursday afternoons/evenings are usually always busy because its Market Night, but I have never seen it like this. I wore her on my back most of the time but we were both getting tired and hot so she was SUCH a good girl and played with her play-dough in her pack-n-play behind the counter. I love how understanding our customers are too. I had people playing peek-a-boo with her while waiting in line and she was "talking" their ear off about one thing or another :)
Well its nearly 3pm and I havent quite made it to the shower today... even after a morning workout... ewww gross!!
Pictures to come from this weekend... HAPPY FRIDAY!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
The Quiet Book
The more that Kenley plays with her "Quiet Book" the more I realized I NEEDED to post pictures of it.
If you remember, I did a post right after Christmas about how Gavin's Aunt Sue, MY Aunt Sue :)... had HAND-MADE Kenley a "Quiet Book"........ This thing is seriously amazing. I must look through it once a day while in Kenley's room.
I still cant decide who loves it more... me or Kenley.
Let me explain each page starting from the top....
On the page with the potted flowers... each flower "unbuttons." Kenley has already learned how to take each flower off... now we are working on putting them back on :)
On the page next to it with the catepillar, each section of his body "snaps" off with little metal snaps. Kenley can get them off and on and loves to put the little circles in his "cocoon."... which is a tiny pocket!
The page with the tree, Aunt Sue said was the hardest... but is actually my favorite :) Under the cloud is a rainbow, under the toadstool is a frog, and you can see the flaps that uncover the ladybug and bird. The little owl is on a string and hides in a little pouch at the bottom of the tree.
The page with the barn, I accidently hid my favorite finger puppets with the barn door. There is also a pig and rooster under there. Kenley loves putting the animals on each finger and knows them all by name :)
The page next to it with the shape/color balloons has velcro on the back of each shape so that Kenley can match each balloon to the shape and color under it. Kenley is getting better at this. (for a while every color was "lellow' and now its "PIIIINNNKKK!!!!")
I LOVE the page with the doll and her clothes all hanging on a line!!! (not to mention the mini clothes-pins that hold all of the clothes up)
The page with the fish will probably be the page that Kenley will figure out last. As of right now she just likes to hide all of the fish in the pocket under the rock.... although she is counting to five right now!
Thank you so much Aunt Sue, for this timeless gift. I cant imagine the time it took but know that the hours that this little girl will spend exploring it will be tenfold the hours that it took to make.
If you remember, I did a post right after Christmas about how Gavin's Aunt Sue, MY Aunt Sue :)... had HAND-MADE Kenley a "Quiet Book"........ This thing is seriously amazing. I must look through it once a day while in Kenley's room.
I still cant decide who loves it more... me or Kenley.
Let me explain each page starting from the top....
On the page with the potted flowers... each flower "unbuttons." Kenley has already learned how to take each flower off... now we are working on putting them back on :)
On the page next to it with the catepillar, each section of his body "snaps" off with little metal snaps. Kenley can get them off and on and loves to put the little circles in his "cocoon."... which is a tiny pocket!
The page with the tree, Aunt Sue said was the hardest... but is actually my favorite :) Under the cloud is a rainbow, under the toadstool is a frog, and you can see the flaps that uncover the ladybug and bird. The little owl is on a string and hides in a little pouch at the bottom of the tree.
The page with the barn, I accidently hid my favorite finger puppets with the barn door. There is also a pig and rooster under there. Kenley loves putting the animals on each finger and knows them all by name :)
The page next to it with the shape/color balloons has velcro on the back of each shape so that Kenley can match each balloon to the shape and color under it. Kenley is getting better at this. (for a while every color was "lellow' and now its "PIIIINNNKKK!!!!")
I LOVE the page with the doll and her clothes all hanging on a line!!! (not to mention the mini clothes-pins that hold all of the clothes up)
The page with the fish will probably be the page that Kenley will figure out last. As of right now she just likes to hide all of the fish in the pocket under the rock.... although she is counting to five right now!
Thank you so much Aunt Sue, for this timeless gift. I cant imagine the time it took but know that the hours that this little girl will spend exploring it will be tenfold the hours that it took to make.
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